TRUE PROSPERITY 1st of July, 2011
Lift up His name and begin to bless him, give him all glory, give him all honour, he is worthy to be praised, he is worthy to be adored, there is no one like Him, he is the king of kings, the Lord of lords, the great provider, the great source of all blessings. Bless His Holy name, give him glory, give him Honour; for bringing you to the second half of this year, bless His Holy name, He is worthy to be adored, magnify his Holy name. Praise Him today. He has been good to us lets praise, let’s give him glory, let’s give him honour. When a child is grateful for what he gets yesterday, he will get more. Let’s praise him, let open our mouth and praise the Almighty God. Thank you father, thank you Lord… in Jesus Mighty name we worshipped.
I want you to lift your voice to him and say father, let the second half of this year be better than the first for me, let’s talk to the Almighty God… thank you father, In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
The bible says in the presence of God there is the fullness of joy; lift your voice to God and say father, like never before, draw me closer to yourself, let’s talk to the Almighty God…. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your voice to him and say father, anything will take me away from you, take it away from me, keep it far from me, if I already have it take it away… In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your voice to him and say father, let all my needs be met tonight, go ahead and talk to the Almighty God … In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
I want you to join hands with your neighbor and pray for your neighbor, say father, visit your child tonight, visit him pleasantly, let all his needs be met… In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
I have a father, almighty Father, he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
I have a father, almighty Father, he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
I have a father, Jehovah Jireh he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
I have a father, almighty Father, he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
I have a father Jehovah Shalom, he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
I have a father, almighty Father, he is King of kings and Lord of lords, I have a father, halleluiah!
King of kings and Lord of lords, the ancient of days, the great provider, the great physician, the great deliverer, the Lord of host, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle, the beginning and the ending, the Holy one of Israel, the lion of the tribe of Judah, glory be to your Holy name. Father glory be to your Holy name, greater than the greatest, better than the best, richer than the richest, older than the oldest, wiser than the wisest, the unchangeable changer, glory be to your Holy name, accept our worship in Jesus name.
Thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, thank you for April, thank you for May, thank you for June, thank you for July, glory be to your Holy name, accept our worship in Jesus name.
Tonight father, let all our needs be met, save souls tonight, heal tonight, deliver tonight, set the captives free tonight, let there be victory tonight, let there be joy tonight, let there be break troughs tonight, let there be testimonies to night, let there be miracles tonight, let there be signs and wonders tonight, let everybody go home tonight singing a new song, let the second half of this year, be better than the first. Thank you Almighty God, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
Tonight we want to talk about TRUE PROSPERITY. Our text will be taken from 3John v2 beloved above all things that thou mayest prosper even as thy souls prosper. Material prosperity is good Ecclesiastes 7 v 12 Material says that money is a defense; Proverbs 22 v 7 tells us that it is the rich that rules. Ecclesiastes 10 v 19 says that money answereth all things, when there is money, the answer has come. The elders have a saying that when I am not at home don’t take any decision, because if you take any decision, what are you to use to carry it out. That is why I am decreeing to those of you here tonight, that in the name that is above every other name, poverty will stay away from you.
But material prosperity is unreliable. Proverb 23 v 5 say riches can develop wings and fly away, in other words anyone who is rich today may not be rich tomorrow. I pray for you that those of you who have clothes to wear today, you will not end up wearing rags, those of you who have food to eat today, you will not end up hungry in Jess name.
Material prosperity those not satisfy Ecclesiastes 5 v 10 says it doesn’t matter how much you have you will not be satisfied; he said those who love silver will not the satisfied with silver. He who loves gold will not be satisfied with gold. He said it is all vanity. No matter how rich you are; you want more, you want more.
Material prosperity can be problematic; Ecclesiastes 5 v 12 says that the abundance of the rich may not even allow him to sleep. There are certain things that those who are not very rich enjoy, he said that the poor man no matter how little the food he gets to eat , eat it and he is satisfy and sleep but the rich man because he is calculating this vehicle has not yet arrived, I don’t know what is happening in my factory he might not be able to sleep.
The bible says material prosperity might even block his way to heaven in Matthew 19 v 23 – 24 the bible says it is easy for a Carmel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Why? 1 Timothy 6 v 9-10 the bible says those who want to be rich fall into temptations; they fall into snare, they fall into foolish lust and if they are not careful it would end in destruction that is why he says the love of money is the root of all evil. The kind of wealth that you will have that will lead you to destruction; I decree to you tonight, you will never have it.
Then there is a better prosperity; and that is physical prosperity; health! The elders have a saying that the one who have good health has everything, the devil said it and God agree with him in Job 2 v 3 -5 the devil said to God, Job has lost everything material and he is still saying my God is good, he said touch his body, give him some pain, give him sickness, and you will see what he will do , he said a man will do everything he has just for good health.
Good health is far more precious than money, those of you who are here tonight therefore, suffering from any ache or pain in the mighty name of Jesus Christ before we leave here, you will be well in Jesus name.
In 2King 5 v 1 when the bible was describing Naaman, he told us how successful he was; he has money, he was popular, he was well known but he was a leper, that single but destroyed everything else.
Every ‘but’ in your life will go away in Jesus name.
Physical prosperity is better than material prosperity but physical prosperity is limited. The bible says wisdom is better than strength, so if you are strong and you don’t have wisdom you are still a fool, not only that physical prosperity is also transient, it doesn’t stay forever, as you grow older you grow weaker.
Ecclesiastes 12 v 1 – 7 tells us as you grow older certain things begin to disappear, the teeth began to decrease in number, the legs become weaker, the eyes become dimmer ass you grow steadily on your journey back home. For example in 2 Samuel 21v 15 – 17 the bible tell us of how David went to war and grew fain and a giant was about to kill him, But thank God somebody came and help him and they had to tell him, you won’t go to war with us anymore. Now here was a man , who when he was young alone face Goliath while others were hiding but old age has come , he was no longer as strong has he used to be and needed somebody to help him, or else he will have been killed in battle. So physical prosperity is better than material prosperity but he doesn’t last, how strong you are when you wake up in the morning is not how strong you will fell in the evening after you have work the whole day.
And there is the mental prosperity which is better than physical prosperity because the bible says wisdom is better than strength Proverbs 4 v 7 the bible says wisdom in the principal thing, the most important thing you should get is wisdom, he said with all your getting make sure you get wisdom. In Ecclesiastes 7 v 12 where he says money is a defense, he said wisdom is also a defense, and then he went further to say that the defense given by wisdom is a superior one because wisdom gives life. So we have material prosperity, which is less than physical prosperity, which is less than mental prosperity, but then mental prosperity is limited the bible says in 2 Timothy 3 v 7 he said there are some people who are ever learning but never come to the knowledge of truth.
At times too much knowledge can be a problem, people can learn so much that they even loose their blessings, learning is good, wisdom is super , but I have discovered in my little journey with the Lord that the illiterate gets miracle faster than those of us who are learned. Their faith is pure; those of us who are educated will want to analyze everything. We want to examine it with our brain; when you lay hands on me in prayer; where is the anointing coming in, is it the right hand or through the left ? Now if it comes in through the right hand, does it go thought the leg , we want to understand and while we are analyzing God is gone. Many at times we learn so much that the things that must be accepted by accepted by faith becomes a problem to us.
On one occasion I had to speak to some academicians on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, after I preached I said go ahead and receive the baptism, one of the last to receive was a professor, the wife who didn’t read all that much got the baptism fast, at a stage when I asked them to stop, the husband was asking the wife, have you received?, the wife said yes. The husband said “what did you say? How did you join the words together?”. If your brain is standing between you and the blessing of God, may the Almighty God speak to your brain tonight in Jesus name.
Wisdom is good, mental prosperity is beautiful but it can be lost 1 Corinthians 1 v 19-20 talked about God asking a question; he said where is the wisdom of the wise, he said because he said I will destroy the wisdom of the wise.
The Lord said there is someone here this night, he said by the time those who put you in prison tomorrow morning, they would discovered that you have already escaped.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight; he said the sky over your head is very dark, he said I must tell you the showers of blessings will be mighty.
Daniel 4 v 34, Nebuchadnezzar said my understanding returned to me, that means the understanding left; there was a time when he didn’t even know what was happening anymore, when he became like an animal for seven years, his understanding forsook him, wisdom can disappear.
Am sure I have told you the story before of things that happen when I was in grammar school. That there was a man sitting in rags, sitting not too far from the gate, anytime we wanted to learn real history; get him a keg of palm wine, by the time he has taken two cups, he will say what history do you want? American history, European history, British history, if we say British history he will say from one what time to what time? And then he will begin and we will be the one who will be stopping him because he was a professor of history before something goes wrong. Am praying for those of you here today, your senses will not depart you.
Mental prosperity is good but it can be problematic Ecclesiastes 1 v 18 says in much wisdom, there is much grief, he that increases knowledge increase sorrow, that is coming from Solomon who was suppose to be the wisest man ever live.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said before this month ends you will sing victory, victory, victory halleluiah! 4ce Jesus conquer the devil pata pata! If you are the one let me hear you shout halleluiah!
In Ecclesiastes 2 v 16 Solomon said vanity upon vanity , all is vanity, he said what happens to the professor is what happened to the one who never went to school, he said because both of them will die.
That brings us to what we call true prosperity, and that is spiritual prosperity. In 3John v 2 the bible says I wish above all things that you prosper , I wish above all things that you will be in health but that is as your soul prospers. Psalm 35 v 27 says God has pleasure in the prosperity if his people, he wants you to be rich, he wants you to be healthy but it is only as you souls prosper. That is why in Matthew 6 v 28 -33 he says seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you. Meaning what? If you prosper spiritually, all other things will follow; good health for example. Exodus 15 v 26 God said if you hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that he commands you; he said he will make sure you are not sick at all, he said you listen to me, observe what I say, do it, he said forget about sickness, he said I will be your physician, I will be the Lord that heals thee.
In Mark 2 v 1 – 12 they brought a man to Jesus who was paralyzed from neck downwards, when Jesus saw him, he said to him first and foremost, son thy sins are forgiven you, let’s get sin out of the way and then I can now say to you, rise up, take your bed and go home. The moment sin is gone, healing can flow in.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight; he said the enemy will never again subdue you
In John 5 v 2 – 14 God healed a man who had been sick for thirty eight years and when he saw him in the temple rejoicing, he said Oga, you have physical prosperity now but go and sin no more. Begin a life of spiritual prosperity, otherwise something worse will happen.
I pray for all those who are sick here tonight, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Almighty God will heal you tonight, but be careful, spiritual prosperity must be there, your determination to live Holy must be strong, that is the only way you can retain your healing, that is the only way you can remain healthy.
And some people who go to prophets, prophets who will tell you don’t worry, I will make sure you are healed, they perform one trick or the other and you seems to get your healing and they never say anything to you about living a life that is devoid of sin, they are preparing you for trouble, spiritual prosperity must b establish before your healing can become permanent.
Spiritual prosperity will bring in material prosperity Deuteronomy 28 v 1 – 2 again God said if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do what he commands you, He said he will cause blessing to pursue you and overtake you. You focus on spiritual prosperity, he said live material prosperity to him, he said prosperity material will begin to pursue you when you are running away from it, they will become so much that you will say God this is too much, Deuteronomy 28 v 11 he said he will command his blessings upon you so much that you will be lending g to nations, nations will come to you for help.
I want to prophesy to someone here today, in a very short time from now, you will be richer than state in Nigeria, you will be richer than some nations even in the world.
Many of us don’t take God seriously when he says in Malachi 3 v 10 when he says bring all the tithe, bring all of it into my house, he just test me thereby if I won’t open the windows of heaven and poor you a blessing that you won’t have a enough room to receive. All you need is just one breakthrough that comes from the Almighty God, and you will never need again.
I am praying for someone here today that as you begin to prosper spiritually, as you begin to obey God, as you begin to run away from sin, that kind of blessings that you will begin to say to God, this is too much will begin to follow you in Jesus name.
Spiritual prosperity brings in power, brings in influence; ability to affect things, in 2king 2 v 9 -15 a young man has an opportunity to chose; Elijah was about to go and he ask his young follower, Elisha, what do you want before I go, now Elisha was aware that whatever his master asked from God, God will answer by fire, no doubt about it. Elisha could have said, I want to become the richest man in the history of mankind; you are the one who asked me to ask , I have asked, and Elijah would have said done and if he said done, God has the ability has the ability to turn all the stones around Elisha to diamond but that boy has supernatural wisdom, he said what I want is spiritual prosperity, I want double the power that you have, double the spirit on you. Even Elijah had to look at him and said what kind of boy are you , you have asked for a hard thing but the boy got it, but do you know what followed in verse 16 all the colleagues of Elisha, all the sons of the prophet, they came and boy down to Elisha.
I prophesy to someone here today, as you begin to pursue spiritual prosperity, your colleagues will come and bow down before you.
Good news for someone here, the Lord said your marriage will soon become a model for other people.
The Lord said there is someone here this night he said you will soon enter into a long season of refreshing.
In 2King 4 v 8 – 17 this same Elisha, who has spiritual prosperity; he was just minding his own business when a great woman who had a lot of material prosperity, stopped him and said come into my house and eat. And he told her who told you I need food? I am not hungry, if I look in it is because I am fasting, because I am seeking the face of the Lord. The woman said yes I know but please just come into my house and eat.
I prophesy into somebody’s life tonight, very soon people will begging you in order to bless you.
So Elisha went, eat in the house of the woman, enjoy the food and kept coming back for more and then the woman built him a house and then one day, he called the woman, what can I do for you in return? Do you want me to introduce you to the king? You want me to introduce you to the commander in Chief? What exactly do you need? This is a man who had spiritual prosperity; he becomes the controller of kings, controller of generals.
I pray for you tonight, before you leave this world, you will be controlling kings!
The woman said I don’t need anything, I am materially sufficient. Then Elisha discovered that she was barren, that there was something all her money could not buy and one word from Elisha, brought that thing money could not buy into the life of the woman.
I ask the disciples yesterday, I said suppose you have to choose between; 1 billion naira, or let’s say one billion dollars and the ability to raise the dead, which one will you choose? Let me hear you speak
I was talking to my pastors some years ago, we were discussing the issue of transfer, I said if God speak to me today and said my son? I want you to resign as general overseer, but you will remain a pastor in the church and I want to transfer you to Kutuwenji, you get to Kutuwenji you will still go to a village somewhere there. I will say “will you go with me? , if he says ‘yes’. I will ask for permission; let me pack one suitcase, let my wife pack two; because she will have to take some cooking materials. Because I know, within one year, that village Kutuwenji will not be able to contain crowd, because if God is there His miracles are happening, people will travel from Lagos, they will come from Ibadan, they will come from everywhere.
I am praying for somebody here today, that prosperity that brings in every other prosperity, the Almighty God will bring it to you tonight in Jesus name.
The bible says in Job 36 v 11 he says if they will obey and serve him, they will spend their days in pleasure and their years in prosperity. The Almighty God doesn’t want you to live in poverty, he doesn’t want you to live in sickness, he doesn’t want you to live in bondage, he doesn’t want you to go mad. It will not bring to his name. God knows that the rich rules over the poor, God knows that the borrower is a slave to the lender. He wants it to be well with you but he wants you to pursue spiritual prosperity first, the problem is that we are pursuing the wrong thing. We are chasing shadow instead of the real thing.
Mark 8 v 36, he said what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and loses his soul?. Don’t forget brethren, we came naked we will go naked, let me assure you, no matter how rich you are when you die, you cannot take anyone with you, but if heaven is certain, if you have a glimpse of heaven, you won’t even want to take anything from here to there. What do we have here that you want to take there? The best gold here, is not welcome in heaven.
I prayed that God will open your eyes tonight that you will catch a glimpse of heaven. Don’t go yet just get a glimpse of heaven then you will understand what am talking about. I have seen a little of it that is what is pushing me, that is why am busy working for God, that is why I am winning soul everyday because the reward is greater over there. Because I want to be spend and be spent. Because what I cannot take there let me use it here so that I can prepare for there. I give you one illustration then we will go and pray.
Several years ago, a friend of mine and I traveled to one country, Singapore to be exact, he was a rich man, he had a golden ring, very expensive, he was always showing it to me so that I know he has that ring. We got to Singapore and somebody showed us a factory where they manufactured golden ring, my friend wants to go there so we went, when we got there we saw gold, various categories of gold and then my friend wanted to show them he has gold. He said I want you to help me clean my ring, they asked him what carat? And I think he said 22 carat, they said sorry sir, we don’t touch that kind of gold here. Our machines are not made for 22 carat, sorry sir we begin from 24 carat. I looked at my friend, he shook his head and sighed.
When you get to heaven the carat of the gold there is nothing found on earth. The gold there is so pure you can see through it, I have caught a glimpse of it , what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and losses his own soul. Do you know there is a mansion waiting for every Christian in heaven and it is build with solid divine gold.
There is a song we sing, I don’t know how to translate it very well into English, but it simple says don’t let me use this earth to destroy heaven, don’t let the pursuit of material prosperity rob you of what is waiting for you in heaven. Seek first the kingdom of God, seek his righteousness, seek spiritual prosperity and every other thing will be added unto you.
So those of you who have not given your life to Jesus, why don’t you begin the correct journey, why don’t you begin the pursuit of true prosperity why don’t give your life to Jesus first, let him wash you in his blood, let him save your soul. Believe me honestly if you begin to seek his kingdom, and his righteousness, every other thing will begin to follow rapidly.
So if you want to give your life to Jesus come now, if you think you are rich, you don’t know the meaning of wealth until you give your life to Jesus. If you have the whole word and you die in your sin and you go to hell, you will be the greatest of all losers.
So come and give your life to Jesus now. You can hold the world and miss your home in heaven, the choice is yours. You can pursue a life of sin and loose heaven the choice is yours, but seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added. It is the blessings of the Lord that maketh rich and adds no sorrow. It is when you are serving the Lord in holiness and purity that you can have blessings that have no sorrow.
There are those who are rich but who can’t eat, but God can give food and also give you good health, material health can fly away spiritual health with stay with you forever. The one who is healed can be sick again, but if you live a life of holiness you can enjoy divine health forever.
Those of you who are already in front, lift your voice to the Lord and cry unto him, ask him to save your soul, tell him from now on you will serve him, you will seek his …ask him for mercy, ask him for salvation and the rest of us let’s stretch our hands towards these people that the merciful God will be merciful unto them and forgive them their sins. Pray as you come, pray for salvation… promise the Lord that from now on you will serve Him… Thank you father, in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.
Father Almighty I want to thank you, I want to thank you for your word, we want to thank you for these your children who have come forward, please receive them in Jesus name, let your blood wipe away all their sins in Jesus name, save their souls tonight in Jesus name, write their names in the book of live in Jesus name. Father even as they begin to seek your kingdom and its righteousness, anytime they call on you for anything, answer them by fire. And the graces to serve you till the end, release to them in Jesus name. Thank you father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed, amen.
If I assure you tonight that whatever prayers you pray tonight will be answered tonight, how many of you will then be willing to pray?
Write down these prayer points:
1. Praise God for what he has done for you.
2. Father, don’t let me ever beg for food or beg for clothing.
3. Father, from now on , let me enjoy divine health, don’t let me spend on sickness again.
4. Father, the kind of blessings that I want must be blessings without sorrow.
5. Father, the kind of peace of God that passes all understanding, let that be my portion.
6. Everything I need to serve you, provides for me; good health, material abundance, divine wisdom, everything I need to serve you provide for me.
7. Anoint me too, use me to heal the sick, to set the captives free and to raise the dead, use me to make the barren fruitful.
8. Let your purpose for my life be fulfilled completely.
9. Smile on me forever, father just smile on me.
10. Your own personal request.
We are going to pray for one hour… in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
The Almighty God will grant your request, for the rest of your life, you will never beg for food. You will never wear rags again, you will never be homeless, you will enjoy divine health, you will never spend on sickness again. Disease will stay away from your family; the kind of blessing that adds no sorrow will be your portion. In your home, there will be peace, in your place of work there will be peace, in your churches there will be peace. The peace of God that passes all understanding will be your portion, everything you need to serve God, the Lord will provide for you; material prosperity, he will provide for you, physical prosperity he will provide for you, mental prosperity he will provide for you. The wisdom you need to serve him, he will provide for you. He will anoint you, he will use you to heal the sick, he will use you to set the captives free, he will use you to raise the dead, he will use you to make the barren fruitful, the purpose of God for your life will be fulfilled.
The perfect will of God will be done in your life. from now on, you will enjoy the favor of God, God will smile on you, he will smile on your family, any curse that is in your family is destroyed tonight, that kind of blessing s that you will say this is too much, God will release unto you. Working without fruit will come to an end in your life tonight. Beginning from today, whatever you touch will prosper, you will be a vessel unto honor in Gods hand, you will become a terror to the devil, wherever you go miracles will happen. You will be hearing clearly from God and you will not lose your mansion in Jesus name, and your personal request of tonight, before the sun rises tomorrow, shall become a testimony in Jesus name, the Lord will bless you and your joy will be full and you will serve the Lord till the end, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
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Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Friday, 1 July 2011
BELOVED OF THE MOST HIGH 1st of April, 2011
Thank you Jesus, glory be to your holy name, thank you father. Lift your voice to the Almighty God and bless his holy name, give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration. He is worthy to be praised. He is worthy to be magnified. Praise him, praise the Almighty God, thank him for bringing us to yet another month. Bless him for a very special Holy Ghost service for children. Bless his holy name. If you are a child of God bless his holy name; because this is a very special holy ghost service for you,. Give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration, he is worthy to be praised. Thank you father, Glory be to your holy name, in Jesus mighty name we worshipped.
Then lift your voice to him and say father please don’t let me sorrow over my children. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.. . In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Say father, let all my children to be greater than I, I don’t want my greatness to end with me. let all my children be greater than I... in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Then lift your voice to him and say father, let all my children serve you, let none of them serve the devil… In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your voice to him and say father, please keep evil company far away from my children. All those who will lead my children away, Keep them far away from them... In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Then lift your voice to him and say father; let your presence go with my children, wherever they go, where your presence will not be, don’t let them go there... in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Father, Let all be well with my children forever... In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Our father, who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name3ce
Blessed Jesus who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.3ce
Holy Spirit who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.3ce
Blessed savior who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be your name.
Our father who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.
King of kings and Lord of Lords, the father of the fathers, the original father. The great provider, the great defender, the great supplier, glory be to your holy name, Accept our worship in Jesus name. Thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, and thank you for April. Glory be to your holy name Lord, accept our worship in Jesus name.
Thank you for what you did last month. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for what you will do today; accept our worship in Jesus name. Father we your children here, every one of us bless us in Jesus name. Keep death far away from us in Jesus name; keep sorrow far away from us in Jesus name. Keep failure far away from us in Jesus name. Keep defeat far away from us in Jesus name. Keep shame far away from us in Jesus name. Let it be well with us, let it be well with our children and let all of us serve you from on now on and forever more. Thank you Almighty God, thank you because it will be well with Nigeria. Thank you because you will speak peace to the world. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
Luke 18 v 15 – 17 and they brought unto him infant also that he will touched them, and when the disciple saw it, they rebuke them. And Jesus called unto them and said suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God, verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. How many children are here, if you are younger than a mountain, then you must be a little child of God! so every little child, let me hear you shout halleluiah!
Tonight we want to talk on BELOVED OF THE MOST HIGH, those are the little children and they are the child of the most high, that’s why I know I am the beloved of the most high because I am a little child in the hand of God.
Who is the Almighty? Who is the most high? Psalm 91 v 1 tells us that the most high is also the same as the Almighty; he that dwelt in the secret of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Who is the most high? Ecclesiastes 5 v 8 calls him the one who is higher than the highest; he is higher than anyone that is why he is called the most high. Who is the most high? Proverbs 21 v 1 says he is the controller of the hearts even of kings. He said he controls the heart to king as he controls rivers of water. Who is the most high? The most high is the one who rules by decree, the original majesty. Psalm 33v 8 -9 he said let the whole earth fear before God, because he speaks and it is done.
When he says let there be light and there will be light, who is the most high, the most high is the one who word is law. Isaiah 55 v 10 – 11, he said is word will never return to him void. When he speaks, it happens. Now when you are the beloved of the most high? What does his love do for you? John 3 v 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. His love does for you several things; he makes eternal life available to you, he makes everlasting life. His love gives you deliverance from prediction because he loves you; you will not perish. Because he love you, he makes salvation available unto you John 15 v 13 says greater love has no man than this that a man lays down his life for a friend. What does his love do for you? Romans 8 v 31 says his love makes you more than a conqueror. Says we are more than conqueror through him that loved us, what does his love to do for us, his love makes available to us, anything we ever need.
The Lord says there is a particular parent here tonight; who is worried about a particular son who is running wild, he ask me to tell you, he will end up as Paul the apostle.
The bible says in Romans 8 v 32, he said the one who has given us his only begotten son, what else will he not give us in addition, because he loves you he gives you his only begotten son. In addition any other thing you may need, he will make available to you. What does his love do for you? When God loves you he set you up for blessing, he will create a situation whereby you will be bless. Not ordinary blessing but inexhaustible blessing. In 1 king 17 v 8 – 16, because he loves the widow of Zarephath, he set her up for a blessing that can never run dry.
There are categories of blessing, there are blessing that are general, he cause his rain to fall on both and good and evil, he causes the sun to shine on everybody good or evil, he makes air available to everybody, good or evil but then he gives special love to those he loves and in other that you may not accuse him of partiality, he set up those he loves so that when he does what he wants to do for them, nobody will be able to accuse him. He inspires the widow of Zarephath, to surrender her last meal, so that the last can be the first. So that if anybody should accuse him in the future and say there are many widows in the land, why did you send Elijah to only one? He will turn to the other widow who are complaining and say can you release your last meal? He set up those that he loves so that he can give them inexhaustible blessing. May he set you up for inexhaustible blessing today in Jesus name.
When he loves you he set you for irreversible blessing. He will ask you to do something for him that will be serious sacrifice, so that he can bless you irreversibly.
Thank you father, the Lord says there is someone here tonight, he said I created you to bring glory to your family not shame, and he said my plan for your life will still be fulfilled.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said you are prone to stumbling and falling, he asked me to tell you and end comes to that from tonight.
In Genesis 22 v 1- 18 the Almighty God to give him a first fruit sacrifice, he did. He was on the point of killing his son when the Almighty stopped him and God himself swore; in blessing I will bless you, in multiplying; I will multiply your seeds forever. When God swears, that is settled forever.
When he loves you, he bends over backwards to give you a miracle. He will go beyond ordinary to give you your miracle. 2 kings 5 v 1-14 he sent a messenger to Naaman to come and receive his healing. He arrived and went to the king instead of to the prophet; God reached out to him again and said no! I didn’t send you to the king; come to my prophet, the prophet told him what to do before he can be healed. He got angry was about to lose his miracle but God sent a second messenger, and said don’t be stupid do what you are told and he agreed did what he was told and he got his healing.
I know there is somebody here tonight, whatever you need to do to receive your miracle, he will give you tonight in Jesus name.
When he loves you; he anoints you for promotion. There anointing you are going to get tonight, is not going to be protection from evil it is anointing for promotion. Before this year runs out somebody is going to shout for joy.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said the devil caught a glimpse of your glorious future, that is why he has try to kill you early, the Lord asked me to tell you he will fail.
I Samuel 11 v11- 13 he anointed David for promotion; he said I have found a man after my own heart, a man that I loved and therefore I will promote him.
May divine promotion come your way today in Jesus name!
When he loves you he will cause your enemy to leave you alone Proverbs 16 v 11 the Lord says when a man’s way please God, he will cause even his enemy to be at peace with him. In Psalm 23 v 5-6 David said thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemy, thou anoint my head with oil, my cups runs over, he said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
In the presence of your enemy, you will reach your goal, goodness will follow you, mercy will follow you, and you will eat and have abundance. So shall it be in Jesus name.
Now, God loves the whole world, for God so love the world and yet, the night before Jesus died, he prayed a strange prayer; he said Lord am not praying for the world, I am praying for those you have giving me. It tells you there are categories of Love; general love and special love. God loves children specially, that is why I pity those of you who think you are too old for God. As I sat down here and the music was going on, there were showing on the screen little children dancing, wonderful people. They don’t know what is called being shy. They don’t care whether you are looking or not looking. But I see those of us who are big, who are men of timber and caliber, we can’t dance that is why he can’t carry us in his hand for blessing because we are too big. If I ask little children to shout, they do it with all their heart, if I asked the big ones to shout, you will have to beg them.
Little children shout halleluiah!
The Lord said there is a woman here tonight, he said before you left home with tears, you cried to him and said God when they are anointing children, let my own be among. The Lord asked me to tell you it is done.
The Lord asked me to tell somebody a story, the story about my birth. My mother had three daughters and a son. after that she said no more. Suddenly the son dies. So people came to my mother, began to put pressure on her; try one more, you never can tell, just try one more. So she tried one more and I came. Try one more! The Lord asked me to tell somebody here today, the World thinks they have taken away your crown, I allowed that because I want to give you a better crown and he added he said that crown I am going to give you, nobody will be able to take it away.
I was talking about God loves children specially In Numbers 14v 26 – 31 when some parent were not willing to receive God’s blessing, God said they don’t want the blessing? Don’t worry I will give your children. He can jump over parent and bless the children. My prayer for you tonight is that both you and your children will be blessed in Jesus name.
When we go through the scriptures we found out the normal pattern of God is that when he blesses the parent, the children are automatically blessed. Gen 28 v 10 – 16 tells you the story of Jacob when he was running away from home after he has just cheated his brother, to take his blessing and he fell asleep and had a dream and God appeared to him, somebody that God should not even appear to at all, but God told him am the God of Abraham your father, I have promised Abraham that I will bless him , I will make him a blessing. Because you are his grandchild and I have blessed Abraham you too will be blessed.
I prayed for every parent here tonight, your blessing will not end with you it will flow over to your children in Jesus name. But it is equally true that When God curses a parent it can flow to the children too.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, he said I should inform you that there will yet be a sound of children playing in your home and they will be your own children.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight he said it doesn’t matter how old you get before you die, you will no longer mourn.
2 king v 20 – 27 Gehazi lied against the man of God in the name of God pronounce a curse on him and the curses included all the seeds after him. There are some people who are suffering today because of the curse that was place on their fathers, I pray for all of you who are here today; if there is any curse troubling you because of what your parent did, in the name that is above every other name, I cancel such curse today in Jesus name.
Incidentally when God blesses nobody can reverse it and when he curses nobody can reverse it either. Number 23 v 19 – 20 he said how can I curse him who God had not curse, he said he has commanded to bless, he has bless and I cannot reverse it.
Irreversible blessing of the most high will come upon you and your family tonight in Jesus name. but when he curses, nobody can reverse it except himself that is one of the reasons why those who have any atom of common sense don’t rob God, because if they robbed him of his tithe and he places a curse on them, the curse go on to the children.
Every curse that haven hanging over you and your children, in the name that is above every other names, may they be cancelled tonight and the grace for you to restitute your ways , receive it now in Jesus name.
Numbers 23 v 8 made it clear; if God does not curse you, any herbalist, any witch or wizard saying they are cursing you they are wasting their time. If he does not curse you, nobody can curse you at all.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said you don’t have a house now, but very soon you will own an estate.
He said there is someone here tonight, he said you suffered lose recently that shook your faith, he asked me to tell you, be comforted, because I have not forsaken you.
The Lord said among those who will be anointed here tonight, he will raise up spiritual giants.
Now if God doesn’t curse you , nobody can curse you, if he blesses you the blessing will flow to your children, but if he curses you it will flow to your children also. Therefore parent for the sake of your children, draw close to God. If you love your children, draw close to God. Numbers 14 v 18 says even though God is merciful, longsuffering, he is always forgiving, but he said he will under no circumstance clear the guilty, he said he will visit the iniquity of father upon children. So for the sake of your children, draw close to God.
As for your children, Exodus 20 v 12 tells you that you must honor your parent if you don’t want to die young. He said honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long. You know why? Because of something called the law of harvest; whatever you do to your parent that will make them happy, your children will do it to you in future. So if you honour your parent, you will live to become a parent and your children will honor you in return.
The bible says God gets very upset at children who ill treat their parent. Proverbs 20 v 20 tells us that if you ill treat tour parent? He said your light will be put out in the day time. In other words if all of a sudden you think you have arrived and you don’t have any regard for your parent anymore, you can do whatever you like with them, the Lord says he will put out your light in day time. That means not only would a child who dishonor his parent die suddenly, that child will die in a manner that everybody will wonder how can this be? I want to appeal to all of you children, if you want the blessings of God to abide with you, honor your parents.
And the Ecclesiastes 12 v 1 it advises you children don’t delay your coming to Christ. He said you must remember your creature now in the days of your youth, remember him now, and don’t say when I am old. After I have enjoyed myself for some time, then I will honor the Lord, no! He said remember the Lord now in the day of thy youth. Some of you will say I want to sow my wild oat first, I want to enjoy myself for a while, you may never be able to come back. The enemy may destroy you before you can return. Or you may be able to return after you have suffered a lot of wounds, if you come to him he will heal your wound, but the scar will still be there. So I want to appeal to you children, honor your parent and draw close to God even in the days of your youth.
As for you parent; because of your children draw to God.
Thank you father, the Lord said there is somebody here tonight, he asked me to tell you , you will laugh again.
In Matthew 11 v 28-30 he gave an invitation that invitation is for both parent and children. Come to me all ye labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He didn’t say only old ones; he didn’t say only young ones, all! Come to me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. So I am giving the same invitation to you now, all of you who are suffering under the yoke of suffering from Satan come to Jesus now. Parents who have not surrendered their lives because of your children come to God tonight. Children, who are still hovering about and have not yet surrendered to God, come to Jesus now…
Savior we just want to say thank you, thank you for your word. Thank you for these people who have come today to surrender their lives to you. Father you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will in no wise cast out please receives them in Jesus name, save their souls in Jesus name. Let your blood wash here name in Jesus name, please write their names in the book of life and from now on let them serve you. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Prayer points:
1 father, because you love me more than a conqueror
2. Father, because you love, everything I need to be great, release to me tonight.
3. Father, both me and the children you have given me, let us be for signs and for wonders.
4. Father, since am your beloved, don’t let me ever disappoint you; in words in deed. Just let me please you all the days of my life.
5. father, because you love me, set me up for mighty blessings and miracles.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. May the almighty God grant your request, everything you have asked for tonight, may they become testimonies. May they become testimonies very soon in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Thank you Jesus, glory be to your holy name, thank you father. Lift your voice to the Almighty God and bless his holy name, give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration. He is worthy to be praised. He is worthy to be magnified. Praise him, praise the Almighty God, thank him for bringing us to yet another month. Bless him for a very special Holy Ghost service for children. Bless his holy name. If you are a child of God bless his holy name; because this is a very special holy ghost service for you,. Give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration, he is worthy to be praised. Thank you father, Glory be to your holy name, in Jesus mighty name we worshipped.
Then lift your voice to him and say father please don’t let me sorrow over my children. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.. . In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Say father, let all my children to be greater than I, I don’t want my greatness to end with me. let all my children be greater than I... in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Then lift your voice to him and say father, let all my children serve you, let none of them serve the devil… In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your voice to him and say father, please keep evil company far away from my children. All those who will lead my children away, Keep them far away from them... In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Then lift your voice to him and say father; let your presence go with my children, wherever they go, where your presence will not be, don’t let them go there... in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Father, Let all be well with my children forever... In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Our father, who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name3ce
Blessed Jesus who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.3ce
Holy Spirit who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.3ce
Blessed savior who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be your name.
Our father who hart in heaven amen, hallowed be thy name.
King of kings and Lord of Lords, the father of the fathers, the original father. The great provider, the great defender, the great supplier, glory be to your holy name, Accept our worship in Jesus name. Thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, and thank you for April. Glory be to your holy name Lord, accept our worship in Jesus name.
Thank you for what you did last month. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for what you will do today; accept our worship in Jesus name. Father we your children here, every one of us bless us in Jesus name. Keep death far away from us in Jesus name; keep sorrow far away from us in Jesus name. Keep failure far away from us in Jesus name. Keep defeat far away from us in Jesus name. Keep shame far away from us in Jesus name. Let it be well with us, let it be well with our children and let all of us serve you from on now on and forever more. Thank you Almighty God, thank you because it will be well with Nigeria. Thank you because you will speak peace to the world. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
Luke 18 v 15 – 17 and they brought unto him infant also that he will touched them, and when the disciple saw it, they rebuke them. And Jesus called unto them and said suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God, verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. How many children are here, if you are younger than a mountain, then you must be a little child of God! so every little child, let me hear you shout halleluiah!
Tonight we want to talk on BELOVED OF THE MOST HIGH, those are the little children and they are the child of the most high, that’s why I know I am the beloved of the most high because I am a little child in the hand of God.
Who is the Almighty? Who is the most high? Psalm 91 v 1 tells us that the most high is also the same as the Almighty; he that dwelt in the secret of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Who is the most high? Ecclesiastes 5 v 8 calls him the one who is higher than the highest; he is higher than anyone that is why he is called the most high. Who is the most high? Proverbs 21 v 1 says he is the controller of the hearts even of kings. He said he controls the heart to king as he controls rivers of water. Who is the most high? The most high is the one who rules by decree, the original majesty. Psalm 33v 8 -9 he said let the whole earth fear before God, because he speaks and it is done.
When he says let there be light and there will be light, who is the most high, the most high is the one who word is law. Isaiah 55 v 10 – 11, he said is word will never return to him void. When he speaks, it happens. Now when you are the beloved of the most high? What does his love do for you? John 3 v 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. His love does for you several things; he makes eternal life available to you, he makes everlasting life. His love gives you deliverance from prediction because he loves you; you will not perish. Because he love you, he makes salvation available unto you John 15 v 13 says greater love has no man than this that a man lays down his life for a friend. What does his love do for you? Romans 8 v 31 says his love makes you more than a conqueror. Says we are more than conqueror through him that loved us, what does his love to do for us, his love makes available to us, anything we ever need.
The Lord says there is a particular parent here tonight; who is worried about a particular son who is running wild, he ask me to tell you, he will end up as Paul the apostle.
The bible says in Romans 8 v 32, he said the one who has given us his only begotten son, what else will he not give us in addition, because he loves you he gives you his only begotten son. In addition any other thing you may need, he will make available to you. What does his love do for you? When God loves you he set you up for blessing, he will create a situation whereby you will be bless. Not ordinary blessing but inexhaustible blessing. In 1 king 17 v 8 – 16, because he loves the widow of Zarephath, he set her up for a blessing that can never run dry.
There are categories of blessing, there are blessing that are general, he cause his rain to fall on both and good and evil, he causes the sun to shine on everybody good or evil, he makes air available to everybody, good or evil but then he gives special love to those he loves and in other that you may not accuse him of partiality, he set up those he loves so that when he does what he wants to do for them, nobody will be able to accuse him. He inspires the widow of Zarephath, to surrender her last meal, so that the last can be the first. So that if anybody should accuse him in the future and say there are many widows in the land, why did you send Elijah to only one? He will turn to the other widow who are complaining and say can you release your last meal? He set up those that he loves so that he can give them inexhaustible blessing. May he set you up for inexhaustible blessing today in Jesus name.
When he loves you he set you for irreversible blessing. He will ask you to do something for him that will be serious sacrifice, so that he can bless you irreversibly.
Thank you father, the Lord says there is someone here tonight, he said I created you to bring glory to your family not shame, and he said my plan for your life will still be fulfilled.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said you are prone to stumbling and falling, he asked me to tell you and end comes to that from tonight.
In Genesis 22 v 1- 18 the Almighty God to give him a first fruit sacrifice, he did. He was on the point of killing his son when the Almighty stopped him and God himself swore; in blessing I will bless you, in multiplying; I will multiply your seeds forever. When God swears, that is settled forever.
When he loves you, he bends over backwards to give you a miracle. He will go beyond ordinary to give you your miracle. 2 kings 5 v 1-14 he sent a messenger to Naaman to come and receive his healing. He arrived and went to the king instead of to the prophet; God reached out to him again and said no! I didn’t send you to the king; come to my prophet, the prophet told him what to do before he can be healed. He got angry was about to lose his miracle but God sent a second messenger, and said don’t be stupid do what you are told and he agreed did what he was told and he got his healing.
I know there is somebody here tonight, whatever you need to do to receive your miracle, he will give you tonight in Jesus name.
When he loves you; he anoints you for promotion. There anointing you are going to get tonight, is not going to be protection from evil it is anointing for promotion. Before this year runs out somebody is going to shout for joy.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said the devil caught a glimpse of your glorious future, that is why he has try to kill you early, the Lord asked me to tell you he will fail.
I Samuel 11 v11- 13 he anointed David for promotion; he said I have found a man after my own heart, a man that I loved and therefore I will promote him.
May divine promotion come your way today in Jesus name!
When he loves you he will cause your enemy to leave you alone Proverbs 16 v 11 the Lord says when a man’s way please God, he will cause even his enemy to be at peace with him. In Psalm 23 v 5-6 David said thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemy, thou anoint my head with oil, my cups runs over, he said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
In the presence of your enemy, you will reach your goal, goodness will follow you, mercy will follow you, and you will eat and have abundance. So shall it be in Jesus name.
Now, God loves the whole world, for God so love the world and yet, the night before Jesus died, he prayed a strange prayer; he said Lord am not praying for the world, I am praying for those you have giving me. It tells you there are categories of Love; general love and special love. God loves children specially, that is why I pity those of you who think you are too old for God. As I sat down here and the music was going on, there were showing on the screen little children dancing, wonderful people. They don’t know what is called being shy. They don’t care whether you are looking or not looking. But I see those of us who are big, who are men of timber and caliber, we can’t dance that is why he can’t carry us in his hand for blessing because we are too big. If I ask little children to shout, they do it with all their heart, if I asked the big ones to shout, you will have to beg them.
Little children shout halleluiah!
The Lord said there is a woman here tonight, he said before you left home with tears, you cried to him and said God when they are anointing children, let my own be among. The Lord asked me to tell you it is done.
The Lord asked me to tell somebody a story, the story about my birth. My mother had three daughters and a son. after that she said no more. Suddenly the son dies. So people came to my mother, began to put pressure on her; try one more, you never can tell, just try one more. So she tried one more and I came. Try one more! The Lord asked me to tell somebody here today, the World thinks they have taken away your crown, I allowed that because I want to give you a better crown and he added he said that crown I am going to give you, nobody will be able to take it away.
I was talking about God loves children specially In Numbers 14v 26 – 31 when some parent were not willing to receive God’s blessing, God said they don’t want the blessing? Don’t worry I will give your children. He can jump over parent and bless the children. My prayer for you tonight is that both you and your children will be blessed in Jesus name.
When we go through the scriptures we found out the normal pattern of God is that when he blesses the parent, the children are automatically blessed. Gen 28 v 10 – 16 tells you the story of Jacob when he was running away from home after he has just cheated his brother, to take his blessing and he fell asleep and had a dream and God appeared to him, somebody that God should not even appear to at all, but God told him am the God of Abraham your father, I have promised Abraham that I will bless him , I will make him a blessing. Because you are his grandchild and I have blessed Abraham you too will be blessed.
I prayed for every parent here tonight, your blessing will not end with you it will flow over to your children in Jesus name. But it is equally true that When God curses a parent it can flow to the children too.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, he said I should inform you that there will yet be a sound of children playing in your home and they will be your own children.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight he said it doesn’t matter how old you get before you die, you will no longer mourn.
2 king v 20 – 27 Gehazi lied against the man of God in the name of God pronounce a curse on him and the curses included all the seeds after him. There are some people who are suffering today because of the curse that was place on their fathers, I pray for all of you who are here today; if there is any curse troubling you because of what your parent did, in the name that is above every other name, I cancel such curse today in Jesus name.
Incidentally when God blesses nobody can reverse it and when he curses nobody can reverse it either. Number 23 v 19 – 20 he said how can I curse him who God had not curse, he said he has commanded to bless, he has bless and I cannot reverse it.
Irreversible blessing of the most high will come upon you and your family tonight in Jesus name. but when he curses, nobody can reverse it except himself that is one of the reasons why those who have any atom of common sense don’t rob God, because if they robbed him of his tithe and he places a curse on them, the curse go on to the children.
Every curse that haven hanging over you and your children, in the name that is above every other names, may they be cancelled tonight and the grace for you to restitute your ways , receive it now in Jesus name.
Numbers 23 v 8 made it clear; if God does not curse you, any herbalist, any witch or wizard saying they are cursing you they are wasting their time. If he does not curse you, nobody can curse you at all.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said you don’t have a house now, but very soon you will own an estate.
He said there is someone here tonight, he said you suffered lose recently that shook your faith, he asked me to tell you, be comforted, because I have not forsaken you.
The Lord said among those who will be anointed here tonight, he will raise up spiritual giants.
Now if God doesn’t curse you , nobody can curse you, if he blesses you the blessing will flow to your children, but if he curses you it will flow to your children also. Therefore parent for the sake of your children, draw close to God. If you love your children, draw close to God. Numbers 14 v 18 says even though God is merciful, longsuffering, he is always forgiving, but he said he will under no circumstance clear the guilty, he said he will visit the iniquity of father upon children. So for the sake of your children, draw close to God.
As for your children, Exodus 20 v 12 tells you that you must honor your parent if you don’t want to die young. He said honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long. You know why? Because of something called the law of harvest; whatever you do to your parent that will make them happy, your children will do it to you in future. So if you honour your parent, you will live to become a parent and your children will honor you in return.
The bible says God gets very upset at children who ill treat their parent. Proverbs 20 v 20 tells us that if you ill treat tour parent? He said your light will be put out in the day time. In other words if all of a sudden you think you have arrived and you don’t have any regard for your parent anymore, you can do whatever you like with them, the Lord says he will put out your light in day time. That means not only would a child who dishonor his parent die suddenly, that child will die in a manner that everybody will wonder how can this be? I want to appeal to all of you children, if you want the blessings of God to abide with you, honor your parents.
And the Ecclesiastes 12 v 1 it advises you children don’t delay your coming to Christ. He said you must remember your creature now in the days of your youth, remember him now, and don’t say when I am old. After I have enjoyed myself for some time, then I will honor the Lord, no! He said remember the Lord now in the day of thy youth. Some of you will say I want to sow my wild oat first, I want to enjoy myself for a while, you may never be able to come back. The enemy may destroy you before you can return. Or you may be able to return after you have suffered a lot of wounds, if you come to him he will heal your wound, but the scar will still be there. So I want to appeal to you children, honor your parent and draw close to God even in the days of your youth.
As for you parent; because of your children draw to God.
Thank you father, the Lord said there is somebody here tonight, he asked me to tell you , you will laugh again.
In Matthew 11 v 28-30 he gave an invitation that invitation is for both parent and children. Come to me all ye labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He didn’t say only old ones; he didn’t say only young ones, all! Come to me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. So I am giving the same invitation to you now, all of you who are suffering under the yoke of suffering from Satan come to Jesus now. Parents who have not surrendered their lives because of your children come to God tonight. Children, who are still hovering about and have not yet surrendered to God, come to Jesus now…
Savior we just want to say thank you, thank you for your word. Thank you for these people who have come today to surrender their lives to you. Father you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will in no wise cast out please receives them in Jesus name, save their souls in Jesus name. Let your blood wash here name in Jesus name, please write their names in the book of life and from now on let them serve you. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Prayer points:
1 father, because you love me more than a conqueror
2. Father, because you love, everything I need to be great, release to me tonight.
3. Father, both me and the children you have given me, let us be for signs and for wonders.
4. Father, since am your beloved, don’t let me ever disappoint you; in words in deed. Just let me please you all the days of my life.
5. father, because you love me, set me up for mighty blessings and miracles.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. May the almighty God grant your request, everything you have asked for tonight, may they become testimonies. May they become testimonies very soon in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah!
Pastor E. A. Adeboye
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